
I forgot this post.忘れてました!


In Japan, as soon as Christmas is over, people put away the decorations and get ready for New Year's. Here, Christmas trees are put away around January 7, so I failed to post that I was in a hurry to see the Christmas tree decorated in West Vancouver on January 6.

This beehive tree was very unique! You know that honey is very good for us , but quality is also important in Ayurveda. I found some Raw Honey on sale at my local Whole Food and have been taking a teaspoon every morning since the New Year. What a great idea, not only does it keep your immune system strong, but it's good for brain function. My husband and I are both getting forgetful, so I'm hoping the honey will help.

And my husband is practicing hard to do this yoga pose ( Upavistha Konasana), which he is not good at.

I am getting a lot of opportunities to learn more through Iyenga Yoga. I think that in Canada, there are many opportunities for teachers to share their practice and teaching methods with each other, apart from workshops. Somehow I remember that in Japan, we tended to have tea or dinner and drink together.

I will be even more inspired and enjoyable this year. February is almost here. I have set my resolutions for this year, so let's continue!

この蜂の巣ツリーはとてもユニークだ!ハチミツが体にとても良いのはご存知だと思いますが、アーユルヴェーダでは品質も重要です。新年から毎朝Raw Honey ティースプーン1杯を摂っています。免疫系を強く保つだけでなく、脳の機能にも良いのです。夫も私も物忘れがひどくなってきたので、蜂蜜が助けになることを期待しています。