
A lot of stimulation!刺激いっぱい!


July was an exciting month.

 The root of the word yoga, "yuj," means "join," "yoke," or "unite." It was in July that I realized this.

 I received a message from my yoga friend Ms.Tanaka in Tokyo, who connected me with Kyoko-san because she was quitting her job to study in Vancouver. After Kyoko arrived in Vancouver, I received a message from her. As I have no children, I am happy to be a supporter of youth.

 Then came an inquiry on my website from Yoko-san, who was in her 70s and searched for "North Vancouver, yoga". She took several of my classes during her month-long stay. When I told her about a practice at home, she did it well and saw improvement in her back and arms.

 She was studying on YouTube to spend time alone overseas. I was surprised to hear that she drove to Kitsilano Beach with a Japanese driver/instructor beside her. I was impressed and very empowered by her determination and can-do spirit.

 I am also working hard with Deborah's advice to take the next step. Next month, I will try a little challenge myself!

ヨガの語源である"yuj"は、"join参加する"、"yokeくびき/ つながり"、"unite  団結する/結合する」という意味だ。 そのことを実感した7月だった。
 東京のヨガ仲間の田中さんからメッセージをもらい、キョウコさんが仕事を辞めてバンクーバーに留学するからと、キョウコさんと私をつないでくれました。 キョウコさんがバンクーバーに到着した後、彼女からメッセージが届きました。 子供がいない私にとって、若者のサポーターになるのは嬉しい。