
Yoga  · 09. December 2024
I taught yoga in Japan for 15 years, and even after moving to Vancouver in 2019, I continued attending Iyengar yoga classes with Louie Ettling. During the COVID-19 pandemic, as online classes became more prevalent, Louie introduced me to Deborah Peake with whom I have been studying one-on-one for three years. Through this time, I worked on assignments, practiced diligently, created class plans, honed teaching methods, and gained experience observing and adjusting students as an assistant. In...
Yoga  · 13. October 2024
*日本語は後に続く In the blink of an eye, it is mid-October. It has been a long time since I updated my blog. In September, I was happy to visit new places and meet new people for the first time. I took the ferry from North Vancouver to participate in a yoga workshop at Gibson. It was also my first time to meet up with a yoga teacher early in the morning and drive to the ferry and back for two days. It was nice to be able to look back on the content of the WS together in the car and on...
Yoga  · 03. March 2024
Yoga  · 16. February 2024
(日本語は後に続く) Valentine's Day in Vancouver was yesterday. I wanted to get a little surprise gift for my husband, so I ordered it from Amazon. My husband enjoys making kombucha, so it was something that would help him with that, but I was informed that there was a problem and that I would be refunded. I've had similar problems before, but I can't help this either. I am glad to know that the yoga lesson of not getting attached to things is helping me. “I can't believe I didn't get...
Yoga  · 05. November 2023
(日本語は後に出てきます。) It is now November with beautiful autumn leaves, how is everyone doing? Starting tomorrow, the time difference between Japan and Vancouver will be 17 hours. I have to check my watch. After taking Brian's WS last month, I still want to practice how to stand. When I used to go to Louie's class with my husband, he seemed to have a hard time with forward bending. Compared to the picture I took outside the other day, he has progressed a lot in about 3...
Yoga  · 03. October 2023
上から自分の足を写真に撮って見ましたが、意外と面白い。体重何十キロを支えている場所。 太ももからみると足首から指って、骨ばっているし、意識しないと足首が安定しない。おまけに日常は靴下やシューズを履いているから指を開いて伸びているなんて感じにくい。だからヨガのポーズ(アーサナ)の基礎であるTadasanaをいろんな方法で練習する。...
Yoga  · 01. July 2023
あっという間に半年が過ぎて7月に入りましたね。カナダは今日7月1日CANADA DAY (建国記念日)の祝日。 6月は私にとって貴重な体験を頂きました。90分クラスを先生のスタジオで指導出来るとは。...
Yoga  · 19. April 2023
SNSで「10年前の今日」はという思い出写真が出てきてますよね。先日、ヨガ友とタイにヨガリトリートに行った時だと写真見て懐かしんでいました。でも良く見ると私の下腿に眼が行った。 こんなに脛の間が空いていて後ろが良く見えている😅...
Yoga  · 08. April 2023
明後日でバンクーバーに来て4年目を迎えます。 カナダに来て結婚することを決めて、ビザの申請。とりあえずバイトの仕事につきヨガのクラスも担当して数ヶ月してCOVID-19ロックダウン。ヨガの仕事は施設の環境を整えるのに時間がかなり掛かるので一度解雇。旦那と旅行するどころか外出も控える時期もあったなあ。...
Yoga  · 13. August 2022

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