Junko Ono is a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher ( Level 1) in 2024 and completed the Yoga Alliance 500 hours of teacher training in Japan and Bali.
She graduated from Japan Women's College of Physical Education with a degree in Physical Education. In addition, she has taught gymnastics and aerobics classes for about 9 years in the fitness industry, worked as tour guide in the United States for about two years.
She has studied under many yoga masters ( Maty Ezraty, Chuck Miller, Louisa Sear, Emil Wendel, Kranti, Dominica Serigano and more ) in Japan and other countries for 14 years.
She has taught yoga since 2004 at fitness clubs, community centers and yoga studios.
Iyengar Yoga inspired her own practice and teaching skills. She attended Iyengar Yoga Senior Teachers' Workshops and Intensive Training Courses by (Gabriella Giubilaro, Marla Apt, Ramanand Patel) in Tokyo.
She’s been in Vancouver since 2019 and continuing to study Iyengar yoga with Louie Ettling and Deborah Peake and attending senior teachers WS.
As Maty Ezraty gave me her autograph and a message"Feel the peace" on my old yoga mat.
She cherishes and teaches this message in her classes.
アイアンガーヨガ認定指導員 レベル1
Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher Level 1
多くのヨーガマスター(Maty Ezraty, Chuck
Miller,Louisa Sear, Emil Wendel,Kranti,Dominica Serigano 他)と出会い学び、様々なスタイルのヨーガを国内外で14年経験。 2004年からフィットネスクラブ・区民施設・ヨガスタジオでヨガクラスを指導。
2019年からカナダ・バンクーバーに移住し、Louie Ettling先生とDeborah Peake先生のもとアイアンガヨーガを学び続け、2024年12月にアイアンガーヨガ認定指導者レベル1となる。
Maty先生から頂いたマットへのサインとメッセージ "Feel the peace"。これを大切にヨーガをシェア致します。